IMC Organizes Conference on ‘Decoding Social Return on Investments - SRoI’

by Shrutee K/DNS

The CSR committee of IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry and S.P Jain Institute of Management and Research has jointly organized the Conference on ‘Decoding Social Return on Investments - SRoI’ on Thursday, 17th October 2019 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.

IMC and SPJIMR collaborate for the effectiveness of the CSR delivery to generate discussion on the use of SRoI as a measurement tool.

It would help the participating CSR team in maximizing the social value and direct resources for it and help them define process, identify people who will implement and reflect the understanding into CSR reporting both for internal and external stakeholders.

As India completes 5 years of 2% mandatory CSR by India Inc, most reports can be summed up to a definite movement from apprehension, skepticism to narrowing the number of projects undertaken, strengthening partnership with implementing agencies and most importantly focus on measuring impact.

SRoI is a framework for measuring “value creation” done by the social initiatives. SRoI measures important changes relevant to stakeholders, moving from qualitative to measurable quantitative outcomes and outputs “that matter” for the social change.  It helps government, CSR organisations in evaluating the projects being implemented by measuring social, environmental and economic outcomes using monetary values. It helps organisations in evaluating impacts of past projects, estimating impacts for proposed projects, redefining strategy, strengthening implementation and monitoring systems.

Considering the importance of SRoI in present time and years to come, the attempt is to inform, sensitize and prepare the CSR teams of India for creating greater social impact.

Mr. Jignesh Shetty, Associate Director, Sustainability and CSR Advisory - KPMG in India and Ms. Rukaiya Joshi, Professor - Chairperson, CEdSS - SPJIMR will lead the Conference. Representatives from Corporates, CSR, NGOs and UNDP will deliberate on the discussion on various aspects and issues in implementation of SRoI. They would try to see how they can implement SRoI in their projects.


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