Oral B Smile India Movement


Madhuri Dixit, the Chief Smile Officer along with dentists continues the mission to champion the Power of a Healthy Smile
L R  Dr. Mansing Pawar  Dean Govt. Dental College Chief Smile Officer Oral B Madhuri Dixit Dr. Suchetan Pradhan 300x199 Madhuri Dixit, the Chief Smile Officer along with dentists continues the mission to champion the Power of a Healthy Smile
Dr. Mansing Pawar Dean Govt. Dental College Chief Smile Officer Oral B Madhuri Dixit Dr. Suchetan Pradhan
Bollywood Superstar Madhuri Dixit, the ChiefSmile Officer of the Oral B Smile India Movement along with dentists across the country launch the movementand set out on a mission to spread the power of healthy smiles at Government Dental College, Mumbai. A recent survey conducted by independent researcher Nielsen amongst 840 youngsters in Mumbai, Delhi,Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Nagpur reveals that a smile isa single tool that helps in multiple situations.
·        90% youngsters agreed that they use their smile toavoid being reprimanded at home from coming late
·        92% youngsters agree that a smile is the best toolto use when one is in trouble!
·        85% youngsters agree that they use a smile to avoidbeing punished by teachers AND to get out of other trouble in college
·        78% youngsters agreed that they would use a smileto avoid getting a ticket from the cops
Joining the ChiefSmile Officer – Madhuri Dixit at the launch was Dr. Suchetan Pradhan, B.D.S., M.D.S. (Prosthodontics ), M.Sc. LaserDentistry (Aachen Univ., Germany), EMDOLA (European Union). As a dentist,he heralded the cause of protecting smiles by reinforcing the 3 step regimen –brushing teeth twice everyday for 2 minutes and visiting a dentist every 6months as part of the country’s oral hygiene routine. Dr. Pradhan highlightedthe need for awareness on oral hygiene, and pledge support to the Oral B SmileIndia Movement along with the Chief Smile Officer – Madhuri Dixit.
Dr. Pradhan, an eminent professional in dental health said,“It is very unfortunate that we as a nation pay very little attention to oralcare and hygiene. It is true that to a great extent our overall well being –confidence and social behaviour depends on the condition of our oral health. Iam glad to be a part of this great oral health initiative that is on themission to champion the power of healthy smiles. It is my earnest request forthe young to come forth and pledge to making India a nation with healthiersmiles.”
Commenting on herassociation with Smile India Movement III the Chief Smile Officer, MadhuriDixit said: “I have alwaysbelieved that a smile can do wonders – something I always suggest to my nearones. I use the power of my healthy smile everyday to get out of some situationor the other and it never fails me. I use Oral B to protect my healthy smile,and follow the 3-step oral care regimen! I decided to join hands with Oral Band dentists across the country to help people smile healthier and confidentand see the wonders it does for them. As I pledge my support to the movement, Iurge everyone to pledge their support too and take a step towards spreading thepower of healthy smiles.”
Speaking about the Smile India Movement III, Oral Bspokesperson Ms. Deepa Vaidyanathan said: “The survey conducted with Nielsen clearly points at the miracles ofhealthy smiles among Indians! Through the Oral B- Smile India Movement thisyear, we hope to build from Smile India Movement’s success last year, and helpprotect a billion Indian smiles, one at a time. We are encouraged by thesupport we have received from Government Dental College & the studentdentists across India and now Chief Smile Officer- Madhuri Dixit who, for mostof us, represents the quintessential healthy, confident smile. The aim is toprotect Indian smiles by urging people across India to come forward and pledgetheir support to this movement.”
Some interesting facts from the Oral-B Smile-O-Meter survey:
Smile also helps escape trouble!
§ 92% youngsters agree that a smile is the besttool to use when one is in trouble!
§ 85% youngsters agree that they use a smile toavoid being punished by teachers AND to get out of other trouble in college
Other situations where smiling helps avoidtrouble
§ 90% youngsters agreed that they use theirsmile to avoid being reprimanded at home from coming late
§ 78% youngsters agreed that they would use asmile to avoid getting a ticket from the cops
The power of a Healthy Smile: A Solution tovarious problems
§ 9 out of 10 youngsters agree that they believethat the power of smile helps deal with situations in a better way than beingaggressive
§ 93% youngsters agree that Smiling helps handlestressful situations better AND that big problems can be solved with a smile
Smile also helps in encouraging people to dothings which otherwise they don’t particularly enjoy
§ 95% youngsters agreed that they like it wheninstructions from their parents are given to them with a smile
§ 88% youngsters agreed that they like it wheninstructions from my teachers are given to them with a smile
A Smile for respect & equality
§ 96% youngsters agree that  a smile is a way to express respect
§ 95% youngsters agree that a smile can ensureequality amongst all
§ 94% youngsters agree that a smile can helpreduce discrimination
Top situations when “Smile” helps resolveissues with Friends
1– While resolving issues on CHOICE OF ENTERTAINMENT
2– While resolving difference of opinion on RELATIONSHIPS
Top situations when “Smile” helps resolveissues with Parents
1– While resolving issues on POCKET MONEY
2– During conflicts on CHOICE OF FRIENDS
3-On issues on CAREER CHOICE

About Oral-B:
The Oral-B brand is a worldwide leader in the over $5 billion brushing market. Part of the Procter & Gamble Company since 2006, the Oral-B brand includes manual and power toothbrushes for children and adults, oral irrigators, oral care centers and interdental products, such as dental floss. Oral-B toothbrushes are used by more dentists than any other brand worldwide.


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