Nissan Launches its First Global Digital Hub in India

Agreement with Government of Kerala paves way for new center to drive Nissan’s digital transformation by Shrutee K/DNS THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, India Nissan Motor Co. Ltd., today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Government of Kerala to establish a new global center for digital operations in India. The Nissan Digital Hub will be the first of a number of software and information technology development centers in Asia, Europe and North America. These will comprehensively transform Nissan’s business by placing digital technology at the heart of key operations and services. The hubs will allow Nissan to provide best-in-class user experiences, product development capabilities, security and connectivity as the automotive industry evolves, with growing use of autonomous, connected and electric vehicle technology. The first center will initially be in Technopark – a technology park owned by the government of Kerala in Trivandrum – before moving to a perma...