Kidpop announces gift to tiny tony tots at Christmas bash

by Shrutee K/DNS Mumbai, 29th December 2016: Around the longest night of the year, when Santa Claus is tip toeing to give gifts to all the lovely children.Kidpop have announced their own little gift to the early learning center,a world of their own,where they will learn,grow,explore,aspire and bloom into their full potential. Kidpopis situated at Manpada, in the heart of Thane. The launch was followed by a Christmas party for kids, where they could dance their heart out on their favorite songs. The school very creatively organized a fun filled Djembe activity, wherein kids could learn stories while playing it. Kidpop is founded by Shri. Brunda Kathrani who has been working as Early childcare education consultant, Preschool consultant and Preprimary Curriculum Developer. Kidpop caters to needs of kids between age of 10 months to 2 years. The mission is to help young minds grow and learn in an amicable environment resulting in their all-round development. The primary f...