


Ms. Seema Srivastava, Executive Director, India ITME Society & Mr. Sanjiv Lathia, Chairman, India ITME Society at GTTES 2015 press conference in Mumbai.

Mumbai, January 15, 2015…..GTTES-2015 – India's 'leading textile engineering expo’ is all set to open its door to the Indian and International audience from 20th to 22nd January 2015 at the Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre, Goregaon East, Mumbai. The 3-day mega event 2015 is supported by Ministry of Heavy Industry, Government of India and Textile Department, Govt. of Maharashtra.

With 282 India and foreign exhibitors, GTTES expo will cover an area of 11,500 sq. metres earning the distinction of being the largest textile technology event in India after India ITME Expo series. 

Both the shows organized by India ITME Society will act as a catalyst for business growth and excellence in textile + textile Engineering sector. A very strong participation from China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, USA, Germany, and UK apart from India will provide choice display of modern technology, price competitiveness, customized services, expanded network and new market access.
 Mr. Sanjiv Lathia, Chairman, India ITME Society, informed that India ITME Society started Exhibition 34 years ago with the objective of bringing modern technology to India and thus be a catalyst to growth of Textile Engineering Industry. Having successfully accomplished the task, a new challenge was taken up by the industry body this year to access new markets, to widen network, to explore new opportunities for Textile &, Engineering Industry.

The need of the times and demand from the industry once again gave birth to another exclusive event “Global Textile Technology & Engineering Show-2015” (GTTES-2015), Mr. Lathia said.

Ms. Seema Srivastava, Executive Director, India ITME Society informed that the 1st edition of GTTES exhibition has grown in stature and prestige beyond expectation with 23 Media partners, 5 educations institutions and 15 supporting organizations. 

Thiis event is expected to be visited by high level government delegation and industrial delegation from India & overseas creating wide spread excitement and anticipation amongst exhibitors and industry members.  Various interactive sessions and meetings between the officials, industry members and associations are part of this event and are expected to create ample opportunities throughout the year.  Govt. officials from Ministry of Textile Srilanka, Govt. officials from Ministry of Textile Ethiopia are expected to interact with exhibitor, meet with their counterparts here in Mumbai.  Visit also includes Educational Institutions to set in motion a chain of action to promote bilateral relations for trade, education etc.

During the expo, a special presentation on “doing business with Ethiopia “with a focus on textile industry will be held to create new opportunity & developing bilateral trade between India and Ethiopia in textile and textile engineering segments.

GTTES-2015 will also provide ample opportunities for the research students and technical personnel’s to visit the event free of cost and view latest technology as well as interact with the companies.  Many textile Engineering institutions, fashion institutes and research students and faculty have expressed keen interest to visit the event.  Thus apart from supporting the business GTTES also an effort to take forward education and knowledge dissemination in our country.

All in all GTTES-2015 is set to create new chain of event for all the exhibitors pushing the business to a new level for the year 2015.  It is an appropriate platform to start the year and enhance brand image for the exhibitors.

If you are in textile business as a manufacturer, trader, distributor, retailer agent, professional, academician, or a student, this is an event you should participate and be present.

This 3 day event to be held on 20th, 21st, and 22nd of January 2015 at Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre, Mumbai, organized by India ITME Society is a must activity for textile and textile engineering industry.


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