by Shrutee k/DNS

The world famous sitar maestro Niladri Kumar enchanted Mumbai withlive performance on Wednesday 4th November 2015 at NCPA, the popular performing arts centre of the city. 

The event was supported by none other than dear friend and jewellery czar Biren Vaidya and his family. Niladri Kumar who is famed for his creation of the ‘zitar’- the incorporation of sitar and guitar, presented an electrifying act with his designed instrument. 

The non-conformist sitar wizard won several hearts with his enthralling and unique fusion set. The revolutionary musicians thrilled the crowd and left them wanting for more.  Before and after the show, the audience witnessed models wearing exquisite jewellery from The House of Rose. The jewels were tastefully exhibited as the crowd cheered for more.

All the proceeds from the Niladri Kumar Concert, sponsored by The Rose Group and The Time & Talents Club, will go to various charitable initiatives, including curative cancer for children (done mostly through The Tata Memorial Hospital), underprivileged children for health problems, rural development, women’s empowerment, drinking water and many more. This magnificent evening with a noble cause was enthusiastically appreciated by all present.


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