Union Bank of India & Goverment of Maharashtra Joined hands for collection of taxes & receipts across 500 branches in Maharashtra


by Shrutee K/DNS

Mumbai 26th November 2015: Keeping pace with the Govt.’s Vision of “Digital India”, Union Bank of India and Govt. of Maharashtra have today joined hands for collection of taxes & receipts under more than 30 heads. This venture will provide reach and convenience to the tax payers of Maharashtra at over 500 branches of Union Bank of India located even at the remotest corner of the state.

Under this arrangement, Union Bank of India has integrated their Core Banking with Maharashtra Virtual Treasury (GRAS) to facilitate Over the Counter collections to provide yet another mode of payment under GRAS for the convenience of tax payers & state Govt.

The facility will benefit the Tax payers in Maharashtra the convenience of payment at the branch through their account or by cash with online generation of challan and real time updation of records through GRAS. This will further benefit the Govt. hassle free collection of revenue, daily reconciliation, real time updation of records and providing easy reach to the tax payers. The facility was formally inaugurated in the presence of  Shri Sudhir Srivastava, Addl. Chief Secy, State Govt. of Maharashtra, Sri Bijay Kumar IAS, Principal Secy Finance Govt. of Maharashtra, Shri Rajiv Jalota, IAS, Commissioner of Sales Tax , Maharashtra State,  Shri Arun Tiwari, Chairman & Managing Director, Union Bank of India and senior officers from Accounts and Treasury Dept. Govt. of Maharashtra.  

On the occasion Shri Tiwari said Union Bank of India is dedicated to the service for the people of Maharashtra where it is incorporated and deeply rooted. The bank is proud to be associated with the Govt. of Maharashtra in providing the facility of Over the Counter Collection of taxes and dues at all the 500 branches across the state for payment under GRAS. This is yet another land mark attempt of the bank to provide convenience to the public.  

Union Bank has a strong IT platform and has developed many solutions for Govt. Department/Ministries.  Through the Govt. Business Department the Bank aims to partner with State Govt. , to be a preferred and most trusted Bank for all State Govt. Ministries/Departments/Undertakings by building a strong bond of relationship through Customer Service Excellence and as a enabler for providing end to end seamless flow of funds from State and down to District, Taluka and Gram level in most effective and speedy way.

Union Bank of India is a leading Public Sector Bank with a wide network of 4098 Branches and 6909 ATMs. The Bank has deployed state of art technology platform to provide customer centric products and services.  Bank has initiated various technology projects for Central Govt., State Govt. and PSUs which are aligned with IT like Direct Benefit Transfer, Scholarship remittances, Subsidies payments, Centralized Salary payments, Fund Management Solution with complete MIS, etc.


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