RCF Announces Performance of the Company

by Shrutee K/DNS

Mumbai: 26th September, 2018: Shri. U. V. Dhatrak, Chairman & Managing Director, Rashtriya Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., addressed the Press along with Shri. Sudhir D.Panadare, Director (Technical), Shri Umesh Dongre, Director (Finance). Shri Dhatrak briefed about the performance of the company in the financial year 2017-18 and about New future projects.

On 22nd Sept 2018, Prime Minister Hon’ble Shri. Narendra Modi has launched the Commencement of work of Talcher Fertilizers Urea Project at Talcher in Odisha.

This is a joint venture of RCF with three other companies viz.  Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), Coal India Limited (CIL) and Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited (FCIL). Total project cost is approximately Rs11,611 crore and RCF hold 29.67% stake in the project. This project envisages setting up Ammonia-Urea complex with capacity of 2200 MTPD of Ammonia and 3850 MTPD of Urea on coal gasification technology. In order to utilize country's huge coal reserves, Talcher Fertilizers will be a first of its kind coal Gasification based fertilizer plant in India a game changer for Indian Economy in terms of opening a new avenue in coal gasification and shall reduce dependency on Natural Gas for Urea manufacturing. Cabinet has approved an equity infusion of Rs. 1033.54 Crores by RCF in this project.

Apart from this Shri Dhatrak explained other upcoming projects like New Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Trombay, successful commissioning of GT-HRSG project at RCF Thal, energy saving of about 0.30 Gcal/MT of Urea has been achieved, intends to install Gas Turbines (GT) of 2 x 32 MW ISO along with Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) of 2 x 65 MTPH capacity, with an aim to reduce the specific energy consumption in Ammonia and Urea Plants at Trombay. At Trombay and Thal Unit, RCF is implementing Energy Conservation Projects investing approx.1327 Crore.

Department of Fertilizers has nominated RCF along with Oil India Ltd., Govt. of Assam and BVFCL to form a joint venture for revival of Namrup unit of Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Limited.


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