Shivali, like all mothers, wanted to give the best to her son, Neel. At the same time, like all mothers, she also expected the very best from Neel in everything he did. Be it studies, computers, swimming, cricket, elocution and so on. Consequently, the young 12 year old, Neel, was always under constant pressure and stress which Shivali as a mother could never observe, see or feel. Until one fine day, while oiling Neel’s hair, she spotted a one rupee coin size patch at the back of his scalp.To her horrors, her Trichologist described this patch as an auto immune reaction brought about by stress leading to a stress related baldness called Alopecia Areata. More and more young children in today’s modern world are coming up with stress related symptoms of hair such as Alopecia Areata and Trichotillomania.
Alopecia Areata: Children with this condition have a complete loss of hair in one to three areas of the scalp, sometimes up to two inches in diameter, without scalp redness or scaling. Another finding can be pitting of the nails in children with this condition. Why the hair falls out from the roots is still a mystery. What is known is that the condition is not contagious, nor caused by foods, this is an auto immune problem The main cause is stress, physical or mental. In 20% of cases another family member has been affected.  Because the hair loss can sometimes be psychologically devastating for the child, immediate help is a must. It is advisable to consult a trichologist who is best qualified to tackle hair related issues and will treat the problem with specific amino acids. Oddly, the new hair may temporarily be white, but eventually the hair returns to its natural colour.
Alopecia Totalis: This is the next stage of Alopecia Areata. In this a person starts losing hair on the entire scalp.
Alopecia Universalis: This is the next stage of Alopecia Totalis. In this a person starts losing hair on the entire scalp and total body hair including eyebrows, eyelashes & moustache.
Pseudopelade: This is a stage which comes when the above three stages are crossed. In Pseudopelade, non scarring Alopecia becomes scarring alopecia in which the hair roots are dead and there is no chance of re growth. In this the skin of the scalp becomes like a horse shoe.
Trichotillomania: This is a condition in which a child actually pulls the hair out, leaving an irregular patch of hair loss with broken - off hair of different sizes, mainly on the scalp, but may involve the eyebrows and eyelashes as well. The habit of pulling out one's hair is usually practiced in bed before falling asleep or when the child is studying or watching television. Interestingly, parents are usually not aware of the habit and frequently find it hard to believe that their child would pull out their own hair. Affected areas of hair loss often appear on the left side of right-handed children and on the right side of left-handed youngsters. Most cases of trichotillomania resolve spontaneously. The best treatment is to ignore the hair pulling and concentrate on why the child is anxious, nervous or frustrated. Since it is a psychological problem connected with the hair, treatment will involve counseling by your Trichologist.
Problems of Hair Related to Hygiene
Lice: Lice are a very common problem, especially for kids ages 3 years to 12 years (girls more often than boys). Lice aren't dangerous and they don't spread disease, but they are contagious and can just be downright annoying. Your child might find it hard to concentrate on their studies and to sleep, because they are so busy scratching their heads. Thes bites may cause your child's scalp to become itchy and inflamed and persistent scratching may lead to skin irritation and even infection. For some kids, the irritation is mild; for others, a more bothersome rash with crusting and oozing may develop. It's also not unusual for kids to develop some swelling of their lymph glands. Excessive scratching can also lead to a bacterial infection (the skin would become red and tender around the bite area).
Dandruff: Dandruff is the result of the normal growing process of the skin cells of the scalp. Shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp at an excessive rate is the result of the normal growing process of the skin cells of the scalp. In a normal scalp, the process of sloughing off old cells and manufacturing of their replacements is very orderly and complete. In the dandruff scalp, there is mass disorder and often the departing cells are not dead before leaving the scalp. Dandruff can cause either an overly dry scalp with itchy white flakes that may be waxy or greasy or dandruff can manifest as an oily greasy scalp with scales. Dandruff is usually seasonal. It is most severe during the winter and mildest during the summer. Dandruff scales usually occur as small, round, white-to-gray patches on top of the head. Scaling can occur anywhere on the scalp, in the hair, on the eyebrows, the beard and can spread to the neck and shoulders. Dandruff is often known as "dry scalp", but people with oily scalps tend to suffer the most. An oily scalp also supports the growth of P. ovale. Since dandruff is a natural process, it can not be eliminated. It can only be managed and controlled.
Tinea capitis: or "ringworm" is a common cause of hair loss in children. The condition is caused by a fungus (not a worm!) that invades the hair shaft and causes the hair to break. It can cause patches of hair loss, with broken- off hair (black dot ringworm), scales, enlarged lymph glands, or the formation of a kerion, a large, red, boggy nodule on the scalp. There may also be mild scalp itching and scaling. Ringworm of the scalp is not dangerous. Without treatment, however, the hair loss can be considerable and some children will develop a boggy tender swelling of the scalp known as a kerion. The condition is transmitted by contact, from one infected child to another through the sharing of combs, brushes, hats, barrettes, pillows and bath towels. Minor bruising of the scalp occasionally provides an entry for the microscopic fungus. Children three to ten years of age are more susceptible to Ringworm Infection and boys are affected more than the girls.
Problems of Hair among teenage children due to fashion:
Traction alopecia: or physical damage to the hair, is especially common among girls. The human hair is quite fragile and really does not respond well to the many physical and chemical assaults it has to endure in the name of beauty. Constant teasing, fluffing, combing, washing, curling, blow drying, hot combing, straightening and bleaching can do a number on the fragile hair, causing them to fall out, especially those by the hair line and along the front and sides. Styles that apply tension to the hair, such as tight ponytails, braiding, barrettes, and permanent waving can also damage the hair.
Problems in new born children:
Toe Tourniquet Syndrome: Increased hair loss a few months after delivering an infant is a common postpartum condition known as telogen effluvium. A much less common condition involving young infants is the hair-thread tourniquet syndrome, or toe tourniquet syndrome, which involves hair or thread becoming so tightly wrapped around a toe or finger that pain, injury, and sometimes loss of the toe or finger. Accidental cases involving human hair almost always involve the toes, and usually occur at the age when mothers are experiencing excessive hair loss. This association is significant in that anticipatory guidance of new parents experiencing rapid hair loss may prevent cases of the toe tourniquet syndrome and its associated problems.
Thus, hair related problems are not only limited to common hair problems such as hair loss but may affect children leading to severe hair & scalp disorders ultimately affecting the confidence of a young child. Tender loving care, proper food habits, good hair hygiene, allowing the child to grow up normally without putting peer pressure and a regular hair checkup with a Trichologist is a must for all young growing children.
Written by Dr. Apoorva Shah, Founder, Richfeel Trichology.


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