NashWall Virus-Proofer

NashWall Virus-Proofer Fights 

Cyber Criminals

Virus Proofing Prevents Installations of Malware

NashWall, developers of the world's first Virus-Proofer have claimed that their Virus-Proofing software can prevent cyber attacks. NashWall prevents Installation of tools (malware) that cyber criminal's use, thereby reducing chances of cyber frauds drastically.

Most cyber criminals exploit loopholes to connect to the target system and Install specially crafted tools to compromise it. Once installed, these tools download malware to infect other systems & control all systems in the network.

There has been a sharp increase in cyber attacks, especially banks & military establishments across the globe. Installation of sophisticated malware has been the prime reason in most cases. These Malware also Install Root-Kits for obeying instructions from remote masters, apart from hiding themselves.

As more and more people start paying (fraudulently) for the purchases they didn't make, the quality of IT security deployed at the net banking terminals are being questioned. The net banking information stolen from user's PC or mobile is used by the cyber crime syndicate to buy goodies at actual users cost.

The threats get multiplied at the billing terminal of retailers, as thousands of cards are swapped every month on each billing machine. It might not have happened or reported, but imagine the fate of a retailer, where clients refuse to swipe their credit cards after such an attack.

Unfortunately, most of these establishments still depend on outdated IT security tools like anti viruses & firewalls. While firewalls prevent entry only at the gateway, the Cyber Criminals are successfully reaching the system via USB drives, file shares & open ports (Web & Mail).

Anti-Viruses can't prevent new threats due to their dependency on signatures for detection. It is impossible to find & update signatures of over 50,000 new strains that are released every day by cyber criminals. These malware, flagged as harmless by anti viruses, spread to millions of computers within hours.

Virus-Proofing is the next generation virus fighting technology that uses 'keep the door closed' concept. The door is closed by blocking installation of programs and stopping running of applications from external media like USB drives & shared folders. This prevents any external programs to get into the system and gather any kind of financial transaction information.

Narendra Kumar, Founder and CEO at NashWall said, "None of the virus proofed systems have ever got infected, even by 'Conficker' virus. Virus proofing works in hostile environments also, where USB drives of numerous customers is inserted every day. We have clients who have never seen a virus for years! 

With recent upsurge in the cyber crimes, companies need a product which provides them full protection against known as well as new malware. Unfortunately, the present IT security combo of antivirus & gateway firewall, trusted by most system administrators, can't prevent cyber attacks. The sad part is they assume the system to be virus free, unless reported by these very outdated technologies!"

NashWall seems to be the perfect solution to prevent new breed of malware in fighting cyber criminals, as the virus proofing technology protects all systems including the ones that don't even have Internet Access.

About NashWall
NashWall, the World's First Virus-Proofer was developed, to prevent both Known & Unknown Threats. Since mid 2008, thousands of NashWall users have replaced their Anti-Virus software with Virus-Proofer & None have ever seen a virus till date


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