15TH Mumbai Film Festival’s Mumbai
Film Mart (MFM) inaugurated by Nandita Das, Present at the inauguration were Mukesh Bhatt,
President, Film & Television Producers Guild of India, Uday Singh, Managing
Director, MPAA, Kulmeet Makkar, CEO, Film & Television Producers Guild of
India, Susana De La Sierra, Director General, ICAA, (Institute
of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts) Spain, Ganesh Jain, President,
Indian Council for IMPEX of Films & TV programmes, Amit Khanna, Founder Trustee
MAMI, MFM Spanish Delegation, representatives from various consulates including
Mr Domingo Maso, Consul General of Spain
and other dignitaries
The MFM will run from 18th-20th
October, 2013 and will see participation from over 200 Buyers, Sales agents,
programmers and studios With the 15th Edition of the Mumbai Film Festival
aimed at showcasing the best of world cinema, the 2013 edition of MFM, will
provide a platform to fuel the business of films.
for business on the 18th of October, the MFM was formally declared
open by the internationally renowned actor, Nandita Das along with Susana De La
Sierra, Director General, ICAA, (Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual
Arts) Spain. Also present at the occasion, addressing the Mart attendees were
President of the Film and Television Producers Guild, Mr. Mukesh Bhatt, Managing
Director of MPAA, Mr. Uday Singh, President, Indian Council for IMPEX of Films
& TV programmes, Mr. Ganesh Jain. Kulmeet Makkar, CEO, Film & Television
Producers Guild of India and Mr. Amit Khanna,
Founder Trustee of MAMI and ex-President FTPJ and ex-Chairman of Reliance
Entertainment amongst others.
on this occasion Ms Nandita Das said “Mumbai Film Mart gives a great platform
for independent film makers; allowing them to connect with other people and
talking about traditional and non-traditional films”. She further discussed a
few details on her Spanish film Traces of
Sandal wood currently being shot and highlighted cultural references
between India and Spain giving her a chance to be associated with Mumbai Film
all, Mr. Mukesh Bhatt, Managing Director, MPAA said, “Mumbai Film Mart gives an
opportunity to us all, especially to the young film makers to showcase their
talent and expertise and also brings to us the talent from all over the world;
mutually benefitting all.”
event also marked a grand introduction of the official Spanish co-production
delegation led by Ms Susanne De La sierra, Director General, ICAA, (Institute
of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts) Spain who mentioned, “The Mumbai Film
Mart has given us the opportunity to share our culture and talent with you,
adding another dimension with the production focus.”
the MFM, we strongly believe in the collective endeavor to promote Indian
Cinema beyond our shores and value the active participation by all the major
film studios, production companies and film industry associations.” said Ms Rashmi
Lamba, Manager, Mumbai Film Mart.
the occasion of the mart opening were also representatives from UniFrance,
UniJapan, German consulates, producers, filmmakers and studio heads in addition
to the MFM Delegates.
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