TEDxGateway’s 3rd Edition


Ground breaking ideas will change the world at TEDxGateway’s 3rd Edition

22 speakers from 15 countries will share their innovations in Mumbai


Mumbai, Tuesday, 21st November, 2012: - 22 Ideators, Powerful ideas, Innumerous conversations and Untold stories. Spend a day with highly curated speakers from 15 countries, at the 3rd edition of TEDxGateway, an independently organized TED event, as they bring together the “global innovators”, the doers of the world making a difference in their communities and their professions, who will share their ideas and innovations for the first time to the world in Mumbai on 2nd December, 2012 at Jamshed Bhabha Theatre,NCPA.
TEDxGateway is a platform, where powers of ideas will change attitudes, lives and eventually the world. The intent is to leave each and every participating individual inspired and have them take back an idea, the courage and the motivation to excel in their respective fields of work. This platform will not only encourage entrepreneurs but also help create a better tomorrow for the world through innovation.

Listen to Usman Riaz, TED Fellow and One Beat Fellow, Artist, Composer, Multi-instrumentalist, Ruma Roka, Founder of Noida Deaf Society, Neil Harbisson, Founder of Eyeborg, Steve Winter, Director of Media for Panthera and photographer with National Geographic, Cynthia Koenig, Founder of Wello, to deliver clean water to a thirsty world. Also Karthik Naralashetty, Internet Entrepreneur and founder of social networking website socialblood.org, Joao Lammoglia, Award winning concept designer and the designer of AIRE, an electronic device capable of converting the energy provided by the air displacement (wind energy) during the users breathing into electrical energy, Abelardo Gonzalez, Abelardo is the creator of OpenDyslexic, a free and open source typeface to help with some of the symptoms of dyslexia.

The speakers, comprising of explorers, storytellers, photographers, scientific pioneers, visionaries and provocateurs from all parts of the globe, will spark deep discussion with an aim to spread ideas and opening a gateway to innovation. Through TEDxGateway, one can take innovative ideas forward in a country with such great diversities and a phenomenal potential to be the next super power in the world. 



The event is organized on:


Date:   Sunday, 2nd December, 2012

Time:  10am to 6:30pm

Venue: Jamshed Bhabha Theatre, NCPA

To registrations, log on to http://tedxgateway.com/2012/attend/


For detailed information, please visit:  
·         Website: http://www.tedxgateway.com/

·         For Twitter  updates on TEDxGateway please follow the hashtag #TEDxGateway on https://twitter.com/TEDxGateway 

·         On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TEDxGateway

About TEDxGateway:
TEDxGateway is an independently organized TED event operated under license from TED. At the day long conference it will feature eminent speakers from different walks of life who will share unique ideas from India and all around the globe – ideas which will spark deep discussion and introspection among the group that attends, those viewing live from across the world, and those who view the talks after the event is over. It seeks to enlighten, unite and provoke. After the tremendous success of the 2010 and 2011 editions, comes a bigger and better edition this year.
About TED:
TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever broader. The annual TED conferences, in Long Beach/Palm Springs and Edinburgh, bring together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes or less). http://www.ted.com/


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