GB Entrepreneur Award 2019

by Shrutee K/DNS

Growing Buddies, whose tag line is “Let’s grow together”, is a community that supports talent not only across Mumbai, but globally as well. Founded by Nidhi Pandya not so long ago, the group has fast multiplied its members and is closing in on the 10K mark! On a mission to Help, Network and Grow together, they promote healthy clean networking, learning experiences, exhibits/events and knowledge sharing.

They hosted the GB Entrepreneur Award 2019 on Friday 8th of February 2019 at The Mysore Association – Matunga. The awards recognized and celebrated the excellence in various fields and the outstanding achievements of entrepreneurs and their contribution to the society which includes service, commitment, leadership, endurance, courage, innovation, performance, generosity and entrepreneurial mindset. Spread through the afternoon, the event witnessed a Panel Discussion first followed by the most awaiting awards of 2019 which was very entertainingly anchored by the beautiful Anjali Verma. Amongst the 300+ guests, were some renowned names who took their time out to be a part of this wonderful awards ceremony and enlightened the audience with their views on Digitalisation. Ashmita Dhingra, Gemini Dhar, Lavina Utamani, Aarzoo Shah, Sangeeta Chacko, Rekha Khan, Kashish Chhabria and Naina Mansukhani were the panelists.

The awardees included talented kids who have won Guinness Book Awards, men and women excelling in different fields to Senior Citizens with their own startups.   GB Entrepreneur Award had also designed a Walk for Social Cause wherein contestants ranging from acid attack victims, Alopecia survivors, cancer survivors, single mothers, transgenders and many more walked the ramp with sheer confidence.  Supporting Go Green Initiatives like SaveAarey, healthcare initiatives like Transcare, they have created a strong buddy network to grow and nurture various horizons and domains across Social Impact.  

The very impressive list of Guest of Honour, included names such as Laxmi R Iyer, Sabyasachi Satpathy, Dr Kamakshi Jindal, Shubh Malhotra, Palkan Nagori Dave, Ridhima R Pai, Akhil Bansal, Dr Aneel Kashi Murarka, Afeefa Nadiawala Sayed, Neha Kare Kanabar and many more.


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