Barbeque Nation's quick party ideas for 15th August

Barbeque Nation’s quick 

party ideas

for 15th August

by Shrutee K / DNS

Too busy to plan your August 15 holiday? Last minute vacation planning will burn a hole in your pockets and traveling within your own city is a traffic nightmare. Commemorating our country's independence need not involve luxury digs in a remote location at an exotic beach. India is home to finest grills and kebabs. Why not celebrate this holiday with a good, old-fashioned barbecue with friends and family without maxing your credit card limits.
Barbeque Nation has put together a few of their favorite ‘do it yourself in minutes’ grill recipes for a kickass Independence Day BBQ party. So put on some patriotic gear, wave the flag and celebrate with good Indian food this 15thAugust. 

Vegetarian recipes
1.     Albuquerque Atomic Mushroom
Medium sized button mushrooms- 20nos
Vegetable oil- 25 gms
Tomato paste- 20gms
Paprika powder- 10 gms
Red chilli powder- 2gms
Salt- to taste
Red fresh jalapeno- 2nos

Wash, clean and de-stalk mushrooms. In a round bottomed bowl add the rest of the ingredients. Whisk lightly. Add mushrooms and marinate for 30 minutes. Grill over a medium serrated griddle. Do not overcook as paprika powder will turn brown and become bitter. Serve hot sprinkled with black pepper crushed.

2.     Grilled Potato kebabs

1 kg potatoes - peeled, diced and half boiled
1 tsp ginger paste
10 pods chopped garlic
1½ cup hung curd
2 tsp red chili flakes
1 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbspbesan flour (roasted)
1 tsp cumin powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1½ garam masala powder
1 tsp rock salt
2 tbspkasoorimethi
1 tsp salt
2 tsp red chili powder
1 tsp ajwain seeds
1 tsp chat masala
30 ml mustard oil

In a medium mixing bowl place all dry ingredients - add curd, lemon juice, ginger paste, chopped garlic and mustard oil and mix well
Add diced potatoes, mix well set aside at least for 2 hours in a refrigerated condition.
Skewer the marinated potatoes and grill on a moderate hot griller till the potatoes are cooked. Brush some oil before serving.

Non-vegetarian recipes

     Jamaican Jerk Chicken drumsticks
4 chicken drumsticks
30 ml vegetable oil
5 gmsMuscavado sugar (brown sugar)
30 ml cider vinegar
20 ml rum
10 gms pepper powder
2 gms nutmeg powder
10 gms cinnamon powder
Salt to taste

50 gms chopped onions fried brown
30 gms Naga or scotch bonnet chili, 2-3 diced
5 leaves fresh thyme
20 gms garlic, fried

Make diagonal cut marks on chicken pieces. In a round bottomed bowl add all the ingredients except chicken.
Whisk lightly
Add chicken pieces and marinate for 30 minute
Grill over a medium charcoal fire
Serve hot, sprinkled with crushed black pepper

About Barbeque Nation:

Barbeque Nation is one of the most successful casual dining restaurant chains in India. It is a pioneer to promote ‘DIY’ (do-it-yourself) cuisine with a concept of live on-the-table grill in India. With more than 46 outlets across the nation, it offers a blend of American, Mediterranean, Oriental and Indian cuisines in both vegetarian and non-vegetarian choices.  


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